2024 3rd International Symposium on Semiconductor and Electronic Technology(ISSET 2024)
Welcome Prof. Yingguo Yang, Fudan University, China​ to be the TPC!



Prof. Yingguo Yang, Fudan University, China

杨迎国 研究员/教授,复旦大学

Ying-Guo Yang is a professor of Fudan University and works at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) as an advanced scientist. He has been honored by distinguished awards at his distinctive contribution towards interfacing the materials for multi-inter-trans disciplinary fields of science, engineering, and technology, such as Elected Fellow of IAAM (International Association of Advanced Materials, 2022) and IAAM Scientist Medal(2023). He has published more than 170 research papers in Science, Nature, Nature photonics, Advanced materials, EES, etc. His current research is focused on interface physics of integrated circuit, perovskites solar cells, perovskites light emitting diode, perovskites detector, spin-optoelectronic devices, and the development of Synchrotron- based in-situ techniques, such as GIWAXS, GISAXS, etc.

杨迎国,博士,研究员,先后就职于中科院上海同步辐射光源、复旦大学,入选国际先进材料协会会士(Fellow of IAAM,2022)、中科院青促会会员等,荣获国际先进材料协会科学家奖章(IAAM Scientist Medal,2023)。主要从事高效稳定半导体光电子材料与器件的制备及其同步辐射先进表征研究:1)首次发展了钙钛矿等光电材料晶体结构与器件光电性能关系的同步辐射研究方法,并实现高效稳定器件的关键制备工艺;2)研制出多套国际先进同步辐射衍射和散射原位成膜观测平台,解决了长期困扰科学家进行钙钛矿等光电子薄膜原位制备中的微结构与器件构效关系实时观测的技术难题,并带领团队做出大量高水平成果。目前在Nature、Science及子刊等发表论文170余篇,先后主持和参与多项国家和省部级项目。担任ACS系列期刊、Matter、Advanced Materials、Nature子刊等多个期刊特邀审稿人,担任eScience、Current Chinese Science/Chemistry、Crystal、nanomaterials等期刊编委。