2024 3rd International Symposium on Semiconductor and Electronic Technology(ISSET 2024)
Welcome ​Prof. Junhe Zhou, Tongji University, China​ to be the TPC!



Prof. Junhe Zhou, Tongji University, China

周俊鹤 教授,同济大学

Junhe Zhou received B.S. and Ph. D Degree in Electronics Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2002 and 2008 respectively. 

From 2006 to 2007, he worked as a joint-educated Ph. D student in Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST). Since 2009, he has been with the department of electronics science and engineering, Tongji University, where he is currently a professor. His main research interests are optical communication systems analysis and optical signal processing. He has published over 100 papers on peer-reviewed journals and conferences, such as IEEE Journal of Lightwave technology, Optics Express and Physical Review A.

周俊鹤,男,2008年毕业于上海交通大学电子工程系,获博士学位;2006-2007受国家留学基金资助,在法国巴黎高等电信(ENST)攻读联合培养博士。现为同济大学电子与信息工程学院电子科学与技术系教授。主要从事光纤通信与光信号处理方面的研究。在IEEE Journal of Lightwave technology, Optics Express, Physical Review A 等国内外学术期刊与会议上发表论文一百余篇。