2024 3rd International Symposium on Semiconductor and Electronic Technology(ISSET 2024)
Welcome ​​Prof. Jian Sun, Central South University, China to be the TPC!



Prof. Jian Sun, Central South University, China

孙健 教授,中南大学

Sun Jian, Professor at the School of Physics, Central South University, Visiting Scientist at the RIKEN, Japan, and Senior Member of IEEE. He obtained his bachelor's degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2008 and his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia in 2013. From 2013 to 2018, he worked at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and RIKEN in Japan. His research focuses on the emergent electronic information functional prototype devices. He has published over 50 research papers as corresponding author in academic journals such as Science Advances, Nano Letters, APL, ACS Nano, AM, AFM, and IEEE EDL. He serves as a member of the TPC for international conferences such as IEEE Sensors and Intermag.

孙健,中南大学物理学院教授,日本国立理化学研究所(RIKEN)访问科学家,IEEE高级会员。2008年上海交通大学学士。2013年沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学电子工程博士。2013-2018在日本国立北陆先端科技大学,RIKEN从事研究工作。研究专注于新原理电子信息功能原型器件的研究工作,涉及微纳电子学、器件物理等。在Science Advances,Nano Letters,APL,ACS Nano,AM, AFM, IEEE EDL等领域内重要的学术刊物以通讯作者发表学术论文50余篇。担任IEEE Sensors、Intermag等国际会议学术委员会成员。